I have an idea for a business. How do I know if it makes any sense?

Here’s how you can find out for free.

Many people want to start a business but don’t know WHAT to start or WHERE TO BEGIN.

Before we had the internet with enough data to choke a horse, people didn’t have a convenient resource to try to answer these questions. Years ago, as an experiment to see if those persons actually existed, I placed classified ads in newspapers asking, “Are you interested in being in business for yourself but don’t know what that business could be?” Interestingly, there were plenty of responses. 

Nowadays, those questions live in people’s heads as they search endlessly for information and research their ideas online, quirky or not. It’s common to share those thoughts with close friends over a beer or on social media, but the ideas are seldom more than chatting and go nowhere. 

I’ve had those conversations. In a few cases, the ideas were quite viable, but that person was helpless to make a move, fearing that their lack of knowledge and experience would be disastrous.

Many such ideas are not like today's Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, SAAS startups, and the like. Usually, people just want a simple, small business (we call them Micro Businesses) they can own and operate with few or no employees. They do not want to get rich; they just want to create a profitable business to replace their job, be their own boss, and put food on the table. Those are not lofty goals, and such businesses get started every day. 

But how?

Franchises offer the “In business for yourself, but not by yourself” slogan, but those startup fees are not affordable to average wage earners. 

Accelerator programs are an option. They’re usually free and sponsored by cities, large corporations or universities, and Nonprofit companies. They are not hard to find in any major city and can certainly help you get started. I know—I’ve been a mentor in several of them.  However, their popularity has surged, and have become very competitive. Those programs typically receive hundreds of applications for a handful of available spaces. The ideas remain just that. 

The DIY process is still the most popular way to get started. Start as a hobby, test your idea with friends and family, try a sales experiment on social media, buy a table or set up a tent at an event. While these are time-consuming, they can give you important feedback and boost confidence, but it takes someone with a proactive, self-starting attitude to take the leap. 

If you’ve been sitting on an idea and want to find out, I have an offer for you:

I’ll give you 30 minutes of my experience to listen to your idea. I won’t judge. I’ll give you honest, realistic feedback.

Click HERE to fill out my Discovery Form. Answer the questions as best as you can, and if you don’t have an answer, write “NONE.” 

Further, if you take me up on this offer, I’ll go one better: IF YOUR IDEA SEEMS PROMISING, I’LL ALSO INCLUDE MY PERSONALIZED IDEATION ACTION PLAN FOR FREE. That’s also described on my website. 

I hope to hear from you.

Learn, Think, and Execute to your success – in business and in life.


PS. Forward this email to someone you know who has an idea and needs a nudge.



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