Want to Launch a Business or a New Offering in Your Business?

Here's a Process You Can Use.

People with ideas, startup founders, and small business owners routinely face the challenges of launching a business or a new product or service. It’s a process that should typically include these steps:

  1. Brainstorming (in your own head or with others) about the idea

  2. Research online to confirm if your idea is valid, will face competition, is trending or already established, and addresses customers’ pain points

  3. Write an outline or model to better understand the idea with new information from research

  4. Tweak and confirm your model or possibly pivot based on new information

  5. Redesign to align with new findings, trends, projections, and benefits

  6. Create a spreadsheet to lay out time, cost, and target dates.

  7. Apply an A/B testing process to better understand customer reception and get the best results from marketing

  8. Incorporate the project into existing or new internal processes for customer service, accounting, marketing and financial metrics, and similar functions.

This process is sometimes bypassed completely. You go with your gut feeling, thinking you already have the answers, and dive in headfirst, assuming (or hoping) all will go well and you’ll have a success. If you’re well informed with some experience, that can work, but it’s the exception.

On the other hand, I have often seen individuals with limited or no background in this process stalled at stage 2 or 3. The insecurity of the unknown is scary. The fear of getting it wrong leaves the idea permanently on the back burner.

If you take this process to the end stage and implement it, another revelation can occur: the results are not what you hoped for or methodically planned. You couldn’t have known that outcome until it was actually in the hands of the clients, customers, and prospects you’re targeting.

In that case, you have the advantage of not having made a phenomenal, costly mistake. Instead, you can continue to modify and tweak your effort to reach the desired outcome. You’ve done the hard part; now you have data to back it up.

If you’ve been sitting on an idea and would like some feedback, I have an offer for you:

I’ll give you 30 minutes of my experience to listen to your idea for Free. I won’t judge. I’ll give you honest, realistic feedback.

Click HERE to fill out my Discovery Form. Answer the questions as best as you can, and if you don’t have an answer, write “NONE.” 

Further, if you take me up on this offer, I’ll go one better: IF IT SEEMS TO ME THAT YOUR IDEA IS PROMISING, I’LL ALSO INCLUDE MY PERSONALIZED IDEATION ACTION PLAN FOR FREE. A $350 value described on my website. 

Learn, Think, and Execute to your success – in business and in life.


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